Tourists shun Scottish regions hit by wind turbine ‘blight’ 

The unspoilt wilderness quality of the highlands used to be the main draw of the Scottish Highlands.

Only complete morons could imagine that turning them into an industrial landscape would not deter tourists.

If I want to look at turbines I can just look out of my window at home, why waste petrol?

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Whitelee wind farm, Scotland [image credit: Bjmullan / Wikipedia]
Wherever onshore wind turbines are built there will also be networks of electricity pylons to carry the power away. Tourism is big business in windy Scotland.

A survey carried out on behalf of the John Muir Trust (JMT) found that 55% of respondents were “less likely” to venture into areas of the countryside industrialised by giant turbines, electricity pylons and super-quarries, reports The Times (via GWPF).

Just 3% said they were “more likely” to visit such areas, while 26% said such large-scale developments would make “no difference”. The poll has rekindled calls for Scottish ministers to increase protection for wild and scenic areas that, it is argued, will protect rural tourism businesses.

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Australia’s Great Shame: Renewable Energy Obsession Leaves Pensioners Freezing in the Dark


96 year old Donathan Roe Key: one of the 25% who
can’t afford to heat their homes this winter.

Australia’s maniacal obsession with attempting to power itself on sunshine and breezes has led to ‘The Great Shame’: a 140% increase in the number of homes disconnected from the grid, no longer able to afford power prices rocketing, year-on year, at 16 to 20%, leaving 25% of households unable to heat their homes during the depth of an Australian winter.

Liberal MP, Craig Kelly quite rightly exposed the outrage, pointing to the increased risk of mortality amongst those sitting in homes they can no longer afford to heat: Australia’s Renewable Energy Disaster Puts Lives at Mortal Risk: More Powerless Pensioners Will Freeze to Death this Winter

For his trouble, Craig was attacked with the kind of maniacal zeal not seen since the Spanish Inquisition. Not only did the usual suspects from the…

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Population Doomster Paul Ehrlich’s New Forecast: ‘Biological Annihilation’ – Hit & Run :

Ronald Bailey explains that Ehrlich’s latest doom laiden prediction is likely to be wrong.

Human population will peak this century at perhaps as few as 8.2 billion people. The United Nations projects that 80 percent of those will be living in cities by 2100, meaning that fewer than 1.6 billion people will be living on the landscape, down from 3.2 billion now. Humanity may already be at peak farmland. If biofuel subsidies are stopped, some researchers project that as much as 400 million hectares of land would be returned to nature by 2060; that is an area double the size of the United States east of the Mississippi River./

Fully story here:

Clive James: Climate alarmists will never admit they’re wrong

Tallbloke's Talkshop


Via GWPF, an abstract from a brilliant essay by the evergreen Clive James.

When you tell people once too often that the missing extra heat is hiding in the ocean, they will switch over to watch Game of Thrones, where the dialogue is less ridiculous and all the threats come true. The proponents of man-made climate catastrophe asked us for so many leaps of faith that they were bound to run out of credibility in the end.

Now that they finally seem to be doing so, it could be a good time for those of us who have never been convinced by all those urgent warnings to start warning each other that we might be making a comparably senseless tactical error if we expect the elastic cause of the catastrophists, and all of its exponents, to go away in a hurry.

I speak as one who knows nothing about…

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Pressure Warming Effect featured on WND: Study blows greenhouse theory out of the water

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Ned and Karl have finally got some big exposure to the general public for their paradigm shifting breakthrough in geo and astro-physics. World Net Daily front page stories are read by over a million people. This is a great step forward for recognition of their work.

Study blows Greenhouse Theory out of the water

7-9-2017 By Alex Newman for World Net Daily

BOZEMAN, Mont. – A new scientific paper contends the entire foundation of the man-made global-warming theory – the assumption that greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere by trapping heat – is wrong.

If confirmed, the study’s findings would crush the entire “climate change” movement to restrict CO2 emissions, the authors assert

Some experts contacted by WND criticized the paper, while others advised caution.

Still others suggested that the claimed discovery represents a massive leap forward in human understanding – a “new paradigm.”

The paper argues that concentrations of CO2…

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