Bill Nye, Fake Facts & the New York Times

Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

I’m aware oftwo occasions in which Bill Nye has misled the public. But the New YorkTimes says he’s saving the rest of usfrom misinformation.


Eleven days ago, the New York Times ran a story headlined: “In an Age of Alternative Facts, Bill Nye’s New Show Brings Real Ones.” How charmingly naive. If you’re in a rush, and wantto know about Nye’s misleading video as well as his misleading article in the very sameNew York Times, scroll downtothe navy-coloured text below. But the longer storyis entertaining.

The notionthat some people are asourceof real facts, while others are a source of fake/alternative facts, is currentlybeing pushed hard bythe mainstream media. Journalists have decided that a major part of their job is to tell the rest of us who to believe.

Their message isn’t that skepticism is always necessary, and that even smart peopleare often wrong. Rather, this is…

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