Wood burners or diesel vehicles – what’s behind London’s air pollution ?

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Bad air day in London [image credit: BBC] Bad air day in London [image credit: BBC]
At one time diesel vehicles were given tax concessions in the UK due to lower emissions of CO2 than petrol equivalents, but that tide is turning now.

London’s pollution problem worsened this week – so much so that it briefly overtook Beijing in the filthy-air department for the first time – an alarming development widely attributed to the rapidly growing use of household wood burners, as iNews reports.

Readings on Monday afternoon showed that the air in parts of London contained 197 micrograms per cubic metre of ‘particulate’ matter, compared to 190 in the Chinese capital.

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2 thoughts on “Wood burners or diesel vehicles – what’s behind London’s air pollution ?

  1. Wood burners, open fireplaces and stoves – my chimney sweep calls them the ‘red wine brigade’, adding that he’s never been busier sweeping chimneys and installing stoves. He says one of the biggest complaints from people is the cost of electric and that some systems, such as Economy 7, just can’t cope in really cold weather.
    If they were to ban stoves how would they police it? Councils can’t afford tree officers to inspect trees let alone have officers sitting on street corners waiting for chimneys to smoke into life. There’s a guy over the back from me who’s always having garden fires – once catching his she’d alight so the fire brigade was called. He has been warned time and again to stop but he carries on regardless – saying he’s doing the council a favour in terms of cutting his own waste.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes I remember when there were strict controls on smoke – smokeless zones seem to be a thing of the past in actuality if not in policy. Although wood burners are more polluting than conventional heating the article is right to point out that it’s the invisible particulates from diesel that are the real killers. Any policy restricting wood burners that doesn’t tackle diesel first will be a complete waste of time. IMHO the Green Party has a serious amount of carpet to eat and I suspect they will find it much less embarrassing to latch onto log burners and hope their support for diesel engines is quietly forgotten.


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